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Engaging with Free, Prior, and Informed Consent

Farid Baddache, Faris Natour, Jasmine Campbell, Michael Oxman

Engaging with Free, Prior, and Informed Consent
Propriété Information
Type de ressource Rapport
  • English
Année 2012
Pays Royaume-Uni
  • CLIP
  • Droits et cadres légaux
  • Industrie
Complexité Practical
  • Pimatsiwin
  • Consultation
  • Droit international
  • Engagement des communautés
  • Entente sur les impacts et bénéfices
  • Pratiques commerciales
  • Prise de décision
  • Responsabilité sociale des entreprises
Écrit par Organisme non-gouvernemental (ONG)
Écrit pour
  • Direction et gestion
Description This report emerged out of a workshop held by Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) which brought together representatives from extractive industries to discuss the application of FPIC in engagement with Indigenous peoples. The report provides a corporate interpretation of the rights promised under FPIC including its legal requirements, benefits to corporate social responsibility, and potential impediments to business profits.
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