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About The Website


About The Website

Developed with and for Indigenous Peoples, this website provides information and resources on FPIC as a tool of self-determination to assist communities in decision making. We have selected articles, tool kits, videos, voice messages, and community stories about FPIC and Consultation for viewing and downloading. The website is hosted by Deyohahá:ge, the Indigenous Knowledge Centre, at Six Nations Polytechnic in the territory of Six Nations of the Grand, Oshweken, Ontario, Canada. Deyohahá:ge (Two Roads): “is dedicated to bringing together two streams of consciousness – the ancestral Indigenous knowledge with the best of modern academic knowledge – in order to advance the overall well-being of all peoples.”

The Eagle and the Condor

It has been prophesized that North and South American Indigenous peoples will experience a period of great strife. The eagle in North America and the condor in South America symbolize strength, power, leadership, and spiritual guidance for Indigenous peoples. The prophecy further talks of a time when the eagle will join the condor to symbolize a new period of rebuilding and strengthening of the Indigenous peoples. Many believe we are in this time now. We are using this symbol to honour this prophecy, and to aspire to further inter-cultural learning amongst Indigenous peoples and settler populations across the Americas.

How To Use The Website

We have collected and curated some of the best resources available related to FPIC with other materials on consultation and consent for you to use within your community. Most of these resources are open access, which mean you are free to download them without needing any special account. However, much of the knowledge around Indigenous Rights has been written in academic journals. For these resources, we invite website users who have university accounts to access the resources through their institutional catalogue by selecting it from the list of academic institutions we have provided.

For people without any institutional links, you can try finding these articles using Google Scholar (we will provide you with a link to query this service), or you can request a summary of the resource. Our team will get in touch with you as soon as we have prepared the summary for you.