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Assembly of First Nations National Forum on C-15: An Act Respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Discussion Guide

Assembly of First Nations

Assembly of First Nations National Forum on C-15: An Act Respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Discussion Guide
Propiedades Información
Tipo de Recurso Manual
  • English
Año 2020
País Canadá
  • Derechos y Marco Legal
Complejidad Simple
Palabras Clave
  • Derecho Canadiense
Escrito Por Organizaciones Indígenas
Escrito para
  • Comunidades Indígenas
  • Liderazgo y Gestión
Descripción This discussion guide was prepared to support and inform conversations surrounding Bill C-15 in Canada
Licencia En Poder del Autor / Distribuidor