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Le savoir, c'est le pouvoir

This website provides information and resources on FPIC as a tool of self-determination to assist communities in decision making. We have selected articles, tool kits, videos, voice messages, and community stories about FPIC and consultation.


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Résultats pour:Blaine Favel


Ressources totales: 2

Understanding UNDRIP Choosing Action on Priorities Over Sweeping Claims About the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

2016 - English - Practical

Understanding UNDRIP Choosing Action on Priori…

Blaine Favel, Ken Coates

This manual provides an overview of UNDRIP highlighting its history, implementation, and development in Canada.

Understanding FPIC - From assertion and assumption on ‘free, prior and informed consent’ to a new model for Indigenous engagement on resource development
Article scientifique

2016 - English - Technique

Understanding FPIC - From assertion and assump…

Blaine Favel, Ken Coates

Ce rapport explore la signification du consentement libre, informé et préalable (CLIP), et comment il interagit avec le droit canadien contemporain et ses pratiques. Plusieurs recommandations sont offertes par rapport au gouvernement Trudeau, particulièrement comment celui-ci peut incorporer le CLIP dans le système canadien actuel sans impacter né…