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Conocimiento es Poder

This website provides information and resources on FPIC as a tool of self-determination to assist communities in decision making. We have selected articles, tool kits, videos, voice messages, and community stories about FPIC and consultation.


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Recursos: 234

Training Manual fo Indigenous Peoples on Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)

2014 - English - Práctico

Training Manual fo Indigenous Peoples on Fre...

Asia Indigenous Peoples' Pact

This training manual was curated with the goal of providing Indigenous organizations, leaders, community members, and trainers with important information that ensures their right to FPIC is respected.

'No More Symbolic Gestures': Indigenous Rights Holders Sound Off on Aligning Canadian Law with UNDRIP
Artículo de Noticias

2021 - English - Simple

'No More Symbolic Gestures': Indigenous Righ...

Cameron French

This news article provides a current update on the status and implementation of Bill C-15

Collaborative Consent and Revitalizing Indigenous Laws: Pathways to Indigenous Water Governance and Co-Governance
Video & Podcast

2018 - English - Práctico

Collaborative Consent and Revitalizing Indig...

Michael Miltenberger, Rosie Simms, Simon Owen

This webinar provides insight from recent research and policy work on collaborative and Indigenous-led approaches to water governance.

Indigenous Peoples & Integrated Water Resources Management

2018 - English - Práctico

Indigenous Peoples & Integrated Water Resour...

Cap-Net UNDP

This training manual aims to increase our understanding of Indigenous peoples' invaluable knowledge on sustainable water management.

Role of Indigenous Māori People in Collaborative Water Governance in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Artículo Científico

2011 - English - Académico

Role of Indigenous Māori People in Collabora...

N. Kirk, P.A Memon

This article examines recent initiatives to increase representation of Māori people in water governance in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Breaching Barriers: The Fight for Indigenous Participation in Water Governance
Artículo Científico

2020 - English - Académico

Breaching Barriers: The Fight for Indigenous...

David E. Wilkins, Ryan E. Emanuel

This article examines the barriers faced by Indigenous peoples to participation in water governance, which includes planning and permitting of infrastructure affecting their land.

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