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This website provides information and resources on FPIC as a tool of self-determination to assist communities in decision making. We have selected articles, tool kits, videos, voice messages, and community stories about FPIC and consultation.
This workshop analyzes the impacts of mining and extractive projects on Colombian ethnic territories from a social, environmental, and spiritual perspectives. The workshop aimed to foster discussion and debate about the importance of impact assessment as a tool for informed decision making, in the application of Free, Prior, Informed Consent.
This document is a description of a series of workshops conducted in Bogota, Colombia, to engage in discussion about Free, Prior, Informed Consent (FPIC) among Afro and Indigenous communities. The document includes a summary of the discussion in each of the workshops, and is intended to provide frameworks for using FPIC from these communities' per…
This policy brief, describes the results of a participatory action research project conducted to explore the violence experienced by ethnic populations in Colombia as a result of mining practices. They found that despite a legislative framework, the government was unable to protect human rights on the ground, as a result of a lack of accountabilit…
This document includes speaking notes on the topic of FPIC at the Prospector and Developer’s Association of Canada annual conference. The speaker defines FPIC, clarifies prevailing misconceptions about FPIC, and discusses how FPIC can be implemented in the extractive sector. The speaker discusses FPIC in the Canadian context and argues for Canadia…
This report present the outcomes of a project conducted by the Association of Indigenous Village Leaders in Suriname and The North-South Institute that was requested by Indigenous communities in West Suriname that will be affected by a large-scale mining and hydroelectric development project. At the time that the project started, the communities h…
This report is an executive summary of a larger report, it showcases a Participatory Action Research project that lasted 26 months. It reports on Corporate Social Responsibility tools that companies and governments promote to ensure good corporate behaviour. The report looks at the extent to which CSRs respect human and ethnic rights in theory and…