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Knowledge is Power

This website provides information and resources on FPIC as a tool of self-determination to assist communities in decision making. We have selected articles, tool kits, videos, voice messages, and community stories about FPIC and consultation.


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Results for:Self-Determination


Total Resources: 148

Our People, Our Health: Envisioning Better Primary Healthcare in Manitoba First Nation Communities
Scientific Paper

2021 - English - Practical

Our People, Our Health: Envisioning Better Pri…

Alan Katz, Grace Kyoon-Achan, Josée G. Lavoie et al.

This paper examines the state of community-based primary healthcare of First Nations in Canada.

Chief Willie Littlechild: The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and Bill C-15
Video & Podcast

2021 - English - Simple

Chief Willie Littlechild: The UN Declaration o…

Perry Bellegarde

In this podcast, Chief Willie Littlechild provides a history of the UNDRIP and his aspirations for what it will achieve for First Nations Peoples.

UN Declaration to Help First Nations Achieve Self-Determination: Bellegarde
News Article

2021 - English - Simple

UN Declaration to Help First Nations Achieve S…

The Canadian Press

This article examines Bill C-15 and its move towards implementation in Canada

Recognising Indigenous Rights and Local Perspectives on Arctic development: Lessons from Greenland, Norway and Finland
Policy Brief

2018 - English - Practical

Recognising Indigenous Rights and Local Perspe…

Lindroth Marjo, Sinevaara-Niskanen Heidi, Vola Joonas

Based on a series of workshops in Norway, Finland, and Greenland, this policy brief aims to understand the role of local individuals in development projects, and how the rights of Indigenous peoples are exercised.

Can Indigenous Community-Based Monitoring Act as a Tool for Sustainable Self-Determination?
Scientific Paper

2020 - English - Practical

Can Indigenous Community-Based Monitoring Act …

David C. Natcher, Graeme Reed, Nicolas D. Brunet

This paper examines the implications of Indigenous community-based monitoring (ICBM) for Indigenous governance in resource extractive regions. The authors conclude by offering recommendations for the implementation of a sustainable self-determination lens for ICBM.

Indigenous Laws and Governance in Indigenous Self-Developed FPIC Protocols

2020 - English - Practical

Indigenous Laws and Governance in Indigenous S…

Sheryl Lightfoot

This paper investigates a series of case studies on Indigenous self-developed FPIC principles and guidelines. This paper also highlights how these principles relate to the inclusion of women and youth in decision making processes, and what actions Indigenous peoples may take to ensure a community approach to resource development issues.

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