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This website provides information and resources on FPIC as a tool of self-determination to assist communities in decision making. We have selected articles, tool kits, videos, voice messages, and community stories about FPIC and consultation.
This news article discusses contextual factors that can allow for more effective resource governance on Indigenous land in Brazil, Peru, and Canada.
This article tells the story of Birch Narrows Dene Nation, a First Nation in Saskatchewan, and how a mining company was operating on their land without their consent.
This article presents an interview with Peter Seligmann, the CEO of Nia Tero. Nia Tero is an organization that empowers and supports Indigenous peoples' rights to cultural independence, as well as conservation of their land.
This article discusses the human rights implications for Indigenous communities of tropical countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article is based on a recent report suggesting that economy recovery plans are prioritizing extractive industries over human rights.
Based on interviews with the Anishinaabe community of Biigtigong Nishnaabeg, this paper examines the community views on the planning and implementation of camps at Mountain Lake.
This article looks at Jasper National Park and its roots in Indigenous traditional territory. Through interviews with Jasper Indigenous Forum and the park’s management team, this article identifies the need for increased consultation processes in order to improve Indigenous representation in the park.